Student Course Guide

It is the responsibility of each student and his/her parent that requirements for an Advanced Studies Diploma, and a Standard Diploma, are met. School counselors review graduation requirements with students annually, and the school counseling staff at each school is available to assist you. Please work closely with your child’s school counselor in making academic decisions for your child. To determine the graduation requirements for your child, you must consider both the type of diploma sought and the year your child first entered ninth grade.
The information in this guide is designed to assist students and parents with the selection of courses for the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades and to provide information for long-range planning.
Students and parents are encouraged to study this publication and talk with school counselors and teachers.
Course choices in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades greatly influence decisions in the high school program.
The information in this guide is designed to help students and parents with the selection of courses for ninth through twelfth grades. Students should study this publication and consult with their parents, school counselors, and teachers in planning their individual program of study. School counselors can help with planning by reviewing test scores and records of past achievements and by discussing current interests and long-term goals. School counselors also have up-to-date information available about various training programs, schools, colleges, universities, and employment possibilities.